The Ranch is located in Perris California, situated on two acres of land which was, at one time, an actual working ranch. The facility accommodates up to 20 men, all under the leadership of Free Indeed Christian Fellowship.
The Ranch is a facility who’s primary purpose is to restore men who have difficulties in addictions to alcohol and/or drug abuse. Reconciliation, acceptance, forgiveness, and restoration are our aim and intention.
The 1st and 2nd phase of the program consists of a 6 month commitment. The 1st phase running three months in which initial recovery is brought about through a time of focusing yourself into the Christian environment. Bringing about discovery of where the problems really are, and teaching ways of understanding how to achieve freedom from problems that were previously defeating you. The 2nd phase, the next three months, are centered on a continued Christian practices and also a re-introduction to society, possible continuing education, and the employment environment.
Free Indeed Men’s Discipleship Ranch is a Bible centered 6 month program bringing men a new option in life. Men from all walks of life enter into an environment where they can concentrate on their spiritual side, a side often left behind for many reasons while dealing with everyday living. Some are dealing with problems from gambling to drug addiction, while others simply need time away with Christ to discover the purpose God has for their life. Whatever the reason, many have found healing for themselves, and for their loved ones. Families destined for separation or divorce, children separated from their parents because of parental behavior, and men on a freight train to prison have found freedom and reconciliation. Men who might once have been a burden on their families because of something they couldn’t control have found strength in Christ to not only overcome their weaknesses, but become strong men of God leading healthy productive lives. Having discovered the real joy, peace, and contentment that comes with a life centered on Christian ethics. What a feeling it is to regain your families respect!
Gentlemen, if this is what you are looking for, then stop chasing that rainbow and contact the ranch today to see if an available bed might just have your name on it. Many men have found freedom here, myself included. I have been where you are, you can count on that… drugs, prison, violence, and all the rest of that stuff that never got me anywhere. The same stuff you’re sick and tired of right now. God called me to this place back in 2003 and I’ve been serving Him ever since, and what a pleasure that has been! I see men like myself delivered from things that controlled them for years… decades even. Don’t think that you are too far gone, don”t let the Devil trick you into believing you are just a waste of time. God has so much more than that for you!
Contact the Ranch today, and lets discuss your future, instead of worrying about your past! Simply download and print the men’s ranch application file and fax it to us at (951) 943-3471.
The Ministry of reconciliation, acceptance, forgiveness, & restoration.
Let me take a guess at what you’re going through… Life has got you down, probably further down then you’ve ever experienced before. You might even have reached the point where everyone who has shown you love in the past has, or is about to give up on you entirely. You might have had run-ins with the law. Many have tried to encourage you to find help; even more have been quick to tell you that you have a problem… you’re probably tired of hearing all that. You are well aware that you have a problem; a BIG problem!
And now here you are… looking for help… you are sure that there has to be more to life then this…
Well there is more… much more. That is what we are here to help you find. The way out of the trap you’ve set for yourself. What you need my friend is a break from it all; a period of your life set aside to learn how to live again. Our program offers you an opportunity to find just that. It is up to you to decide that you really want to change. It is up to you to do something about it.
I, myself, was once exactly where you are today. I lived the life of drugs and the streets. Everyone I loved gave up on me; I even gave up on myself… Self-destruct mode… running amok… Prison time…. Etc… It wasn’t until I gave God a chance in my life to show me the way out that He did, and here I am, today, with a life full of purpose and contentment. God wants to do the same thing for you, if you’d just let Him. My story is not unique here at Free Indeed, there are many who have found freedom through the Ranch… why don’t you come and join us?
If you would like to check into joining our program, start by downloading the ranch application file, filling it out, and then faxing it into us at (951) 943-3471, or you can call the ranch at (951)943-5159.
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